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Name: Pastor Jamar Sanders
Date: 09/11/2009
Message: Eyes have not seen, ears have not heard, neither has it entered into the hearts of men what great things Jesus has in stored...God bless!!!

Name: Kathleen Jones
Date: 06/04/2009
Message: Im so proud to be associated with Universal Cathedral, Pastor Campbell and our church family. May God continually bless.

Name: Elder Cassie Lewis
Date: 05/29/2009
Message: Praise be to God! What can we say to these marvelous things the Lord has done in Amelia. Your'e on the brink of something even greater so be encouraged. And I want to thank you personally for giving me away in Ministry... Love our daughter

Name: Sheryl Taylor
Date: 02/24/2009
Message: Lamont, I am so proud of you and excited for your fellowship. I look forward to visiting with your church family. God Bless Universal Cathedral Ministries.

Name: Ken Sandy
Date: 02/10/2009
Message: Living an enthusiastic life, a life that matters only through christ Jesus. I can't wait to fellowship with you and your congregation soon, Pastor Campbell. God has always had a blessing with your name on it....Kingdom Blessings, Ken Sandy

Name: Bernae Gordon
Date: 02/10/2009
Message: Lamont, as always...I am very proud of you as I knew you would succeed at anything you wanted to do. Take care and be blessed. Love ya :-)

Name: Sonia M. Greene
Date: 02/10/2009
Message: Dear friend I love you and very very proud of you. I will visiting you soon to receive to a mighty word from God.

Name: James Amthony
Date: 02/09/2009
Message: God bless you i know that GOD is working through you and i am sure you will touch a lot of people.

Name: Sis. Yamara Jones
Date: 02/08/2009
Message: God is moving!!! The Jones Family is thankful that God has given us a home to worship him in truth and in love! The fellowship and love we have received is amazing! Prasie be to God!

Name: Liz Royal
Date: 02/07/2009
Message: May God Bless All Of You...You've Done A wonderful Job!

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